Who are we ? What do we do ?

Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit repellendus non impedit commodi. At provident facilis et quibusdam sint et nihil corrupti qui quaerat omnis vel distinctio dolore rem vero doloribus. Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit dolore rem vero doloribus. Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit dolore rem vero doloribus. Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit

Discover the 5 key trends and industry insights of the 27th EAHP Congress:

  • Supply Chain and Medication Management
  • Digital Health and Telemedicine
  • Precision Medicine
  • Biologic and Biosimilar Medications
  • Advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
  • Simplify workflows to increase efficiency and reduce costs

Find out more about our key takeaways from the Congress

Access the 5 Key Trends and Industry Insights

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Don Ferren

Director of Clinical Strategy, Omnicell International

Leads us through the symposium

Dr. Etienne Cousein

Lille University Hospital France

Introduces us to the European Autonomous Pharmacy framework

Prof. Dr. Martin J Hug

Medical Centre, University of Freiburg, Germany

Discusses the results of the EAHP survey

Dr. Jordi Nicolas

Chief Pharmacist at Hospital University Mutua Terrassa, Spain

Shares where Spanish hospitals are on their hospital automation journey

What Omnicell can do for you

Smart Automation

Through medication dispensing, inventory and tracking, we will help your hospital pharmacy secure the medication pathway, increasing patient safety and improving the traceability of medication.

Digital Ecosystem

Our suite of healthcare technology solutions gives your hospital full visibility of your medication management data helping to make well-informed decisions.

Professional Services

We want to be your partner of choice for medication management and clinical inventory. Our team of dedicated experts can give you the support you need toward the automation of the continuum of care.

Products benefits

1-Reduce errors, save time

Robotic workflows perform redundant medication tasks. They'll also do so with more precision and speed than manual handling.

2-Secure inventory, control costs

Boost medication security and prevent drug diversion to minimize risk for staff and patients.

3-Turnkey solutions

Run tailored, robust central pharmacy automation with our wrap-around expert service.

4-Reduce errors, save time

Robotic workflows perform redundant medication tasks. They'll also do so with more precision and speed than manual handling.

5-Reduce errors, save time

Robotic workflows perform redundant medication tasks. They'll also do so with more precision and speed than manual handling.

6-Reduce errors, save time

Robotic workflows perform redundant medication tasks. They'll also do so with more precision and speed than manual handling.

We decided that we wanted the solutions integrated with our ePMA system from day one. We knew that by integrating the two we would receive more benefits.

The benefits of interoperability by integrating ePMA

20 – 50%

Reduction in missed dose rates on each ward


reduction in stock drugs issued in A&E


hours per year saved in nursing time


hours per year saved for pharmacy staff

A Success Story: The Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (RCHT)

An early adopter of ePMA systems, installing WellSky back in 2012, they saw some initial benefits around easier auditing processes and reduced error rates, but the Trust always saw it as a stepping-stone to more electronic solutions to drive further improvements. So in 2018 they invested in Omnicell automated dispensing cabinets for four of their hospital wards - two acute medical care wards, A&E, and respiratory ward.We decided that we wanted the solutions integrated with our ePMA system from day one. We knew that by integrating the two we would receive more benefits. SUCCESS STORY here

Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit repellendus non impedit commodi. At provident facilis et quibusdam sint et nihil corrupti qui quaerat omnis vel distinctio dolore rem vero doloribus. Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit repellendus non impedit commodi. At provident facilis et quibusdam sint et nihil corrupti qui quaerat omnis vel distinctio dolore rem vero doloribus.

Event name

Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit repellendus non impedit commodi. At provident facilis et quibusdam sint et nihil corrupti qui quaerat omnis vel distinctio dolore rem vero doloribus. Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit

Who are we ? What do we do ?

Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit repellendus non impedit commodi. At provident facilis et quibusdam sint et nihil corrupti qui quaerat omnis vel distinctio dolore rem vero doloribus. Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit dolore rem vero doloribus. Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit dolore rem vero doloribus. Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit

Who are we ? What do we do ?

Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit repellendus non impedit commodi. At provident facilis et quibusdam sint et nihil corrupti qui quaerat omnis vel distinctio dolore rem vero doloribus. Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit dolore rem vero doloribus. Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit dolore rem vero doloribus. Ad harum itaque ea dolor exercitationem qui odit